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fastlane Integration

deploygate action will be your help when uploading your app if you use fastlane as a build tool.

How to get stared

fastlane deploygate will be available if you put the code below into Fastlane file.

api_token: 'api token', # DEPLOYGATE_API_TOKEN environment variable will be used unless passed.
user: 'username or group name', # DEPLOYGATE_USER environment variable will be used unless passed.
message: "fastlane build #{lane_context[SharedValues::BUILD_NUMBER]}",

Configure deploygate action

Several options are available through arguments and/or environment variables.

ArgumentEnvironment variableDescription
api_tokenDEPLOYGATE_API_TOKENAPI Key of user account or organization
userDEPLOYGATE_USERname of user account or organization who is an app owner
ipaDEPLOYGATE_IPA_PATHFilepath to an .ipa file to be uploaded. This value is optional if you use gym and xcodebuild action.
apkDEPLOYGATE_APK_PATHFilepath to an .apk file to be uploaded. This value is optional if you use gradle action.
messageDEPLOYGATE_MESSAGEA description of the build
distribution_keyDEPLOYGATE_DISTRIBUTION_KEYA hash of a distribution to be updated. You can get this value from the distribution URL. e.g. a hash of is xyz.
distribution_nameDEPLOYGATE_DISTRIBUTION_NAMEA name of a distribution to be updated. You can get this value from the distribution URL. If no associated distribtion exist, DeployGate will create a new distribution.
release_noteDEPLOYGATE_RELEASE_NOTEA description for a distribution to be updated.
disable_notifyDEPLOYGATE_DISABLE_NOTIFY(Only for iOS) If true, e-mail notifications will be disabled for this upload. false by default.

These arguments are based on App Upload API. Please refer to API document // TODO for details.

Please track the latest definition and type information on deploygate action definitions.