
Add iOS devices (UDIDs)

dg add-devices is very useful when distributing Ad-Hoc iOS app. Please note that this does nothing on Android project.

dg add-devices will execute dg deploy as a after callback, so options of dg deploy will work as well.

Update Provisioning file to include new UDIDs and upload a new ipa based on the updated Provisioning file

DeployGate inform you (i.e. app developers) when you and users add new iOS devices to DeployGate. You need to follow the steps below to allow testing on the new devices.

  1. Fetch a list of pending UDIDs.
  2. Register UDIDs to Apple Developer.
  3. Update Provisioning file.
  4. Rebuild your project using the new Provisioning file.
  5. Upload a new ipa to DeployGate.

dg add-devices can automate this use-case.

Register a specified UDID and upload a new ipa

--udid option allow you register a specified UDID.

dg add-devices --udid 'foo'

This command will also automate the use-case in the section above.

You can also specify a name of a device on Apple Developer by adding --device-name option.

dg add-devices --udid 'foo' --device-name 'bar iOS device'

Register new UDIDs if their iOS devices are added to DeployGate.

--server option will launch a server to register new UDIDs to Apple Developer as soon as their devices are added to DeployGate. This means Fetch a list of pending UDIDs can be automated.

$ dg add-devices --server

This command will also automate the use-case in the section above. Input Ctrl-c to shutdown the server.

If you want to automate this for distributions as well, you need to use --distribution-key option. The server listens UDIDs for an associated distribution, and will register new UDIDs when users start testing.

$ dg add-devices --server --distribution-key 'foo'