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Jan 2025 - Release Notes

· 2 min read

Thank you for using DeployGate.

Here is a summary of updates released in January 2025. This month, we released several new features, which we hope you will take advantage of.

Your feedback is invaluable, as it helps us to improve our services. If you have requests, comments, or concerns about our services, please post on X with #deploygate or contact us.

Web Client Changes

Added the ability to send notifications to Microsoft Teams

This feature is available to all customers on all plans.

We added the ability to send notifications to Microsoft Teams. It’s now possible to send notifications about live events on DeployGate to Microsoft Teams. Please visit “Send Event Notifications to Team” for details and configuration instructions.

Added the display of device information to the Capture feature

This change applies to Enterprise Plan and Flexible Plan customers.

We added more detailed device information to the Capture feature. You can now view the device status (battery temperature and percentage, network status, and more) at the time of the Capture, which adds more detailed information to bug reports. Please visit “New to the Capture feature - obtain device information and configure Callbacks” for more details.

Android Client Changes

Released Version 1.18.1

We released version 1.18.1 of the Android Client. This version supports the ability to obtain device information for the Capture feature and allows for the execution of your preferred code when configuring a Callback with an SDK. For more details, please visit “New to the Capture feature - obtain device information and configure Callbacks.” For more information on how to configure a Callback, please visit “Create a Callback when saving a Capture.” We also fixed some bugs and errors.

Other Changes

There are no updates to the following products.

  • Web API
  • iOS Client
  • Gradle Plugin
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Fastlane
