Jan 2024 - Release Notes
Thank you for using DeployGate.
Here is a summary of updates released in January 2024. This month, we made some Web API changes and minor updates to the Web Client.
Your feedback is invaluable, as it helps us to improve our services. If you have requests, comments, or concerns about our services, please post on X(Twitter) with #deploygate or contact us.
Web Client Changes
Fixed issue where Android APK files without target SDK versions failed to install
We fixed an issue in which uploading an APK file without specifying a target SDK version to DeployGate produced an error that prevented installation.
As of February 2024, this is a required Android Build Tools setting, and DeployGate support will be limited. Please update older APKs or build environments you may be using.
This fix does not affect customers whose Android APK files have target SDK versions set, customers who use AAB files for distribution, or those who distribute iOS apps.
Web API Changes
Added API that creates a new Organization in a Workspace
In January 2024, we added a new API that adds a new Organization to a Workspace. The API Reference provides detailed endpoint specifications. Please visit this page for more information.
Improved invalid input detection on some screens and APIs
We improved invalid input detection processing that occurred on some screens and APIs so that errors appear in a more appropriate and timely fashion. This change applies to the following areas.
- Web Client
- Distribution Page > Appearance screen
- Distribution Page > Update Distribution screen
- Web API
Android SDK Changes
Released Version 4.6.1
This release includes a fix for an issue in which DeployGate Android SDK crashed on some devices under certain conditions. There are no other changes from version 4.6.0.
Other Changes
There are no updates to the following products.
- Android Client
- iOS Client
- Fastlane
- Gradle Plugin