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Sep 2024 - Release Notes

· 2 min read

Thank you for using DeployGate.

Here is a summary of updates released in September 2024. This month, we made several changes, including adding a reminder feature to Workspace invitation requests, fixing Team name errors, and updating Android SDK.

Your feedback is invaluable, as it helps us to improve our services. If you have requests, comments, or concerns about our services, please post on X(Twitter) with #deploygate or contact us.

Web Client Changes

Reminder emails now sent for invitation requests

This feature is only available to Enterprise Plan and Flexible Plan customers.

Users can submit invitation requests to add members to an Organization or Team for Administrator approval. If approval is still pending two and four weeks after submission, Administrators now receive reminder emails.

Fixed issue in which Japanese characters failed to decode during Team name changes

This change applies to all customers on all plans.

When changing an Organization’s Team name, URL-encoded values appeared instead of Japanese characters. We fixed this error, and Team names in Japanese now appear correctly.

Changes to default Team names when creating an Organization

This change applies to all customers on all plans.

Previously, Team names defaulted to Japanese if users had specified Japanese as their language. Now, the default Team names are all in English - “Owner,” “Developer,” and “Tester.”

Android SDK Changes

Released Version 4.9.0

This change applies to all customers on all plans.

This release has multiple updates related to the Capture feature, including the addition of a feature that collects device information and a callback interface following a successful Capture. Please note that some changes will require a future update (Release date TBD) of the DeployGate Android app. Please visit Release Notes for more details.

Other Changes

There are no updates to the following products.

  • Android Client
  • Web API
  • iOS SDK
  • Fastlane
  • Gradle Plugin
  • CLI
