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May 2024 - Release Notes

· 2 min read

Thank you for using DeployGate.

Here is a summary of updates released in May 2024. This month, we unified the naming and display of revisions and released the Open Beta of the Capture feature.

Your feedback is invaluable, as it helps us to improve our services. If you have requests, comments, or concerns about our services, please post on X(Twitter) with #deploygate or contact us.

Service Changes

Unified Revision Notation

This change applies to all customers on all plans

In May 2024, we unified the naming and display of app revisions from “version” to “revision.” A revision is a specific app’s upload history and app file. Please visit this page for more details.

Capture feature released as Open Beta

This feature is only available to Enterprise Plan and Flexible Plan customers.

In May 2024, we started the Capture feature’s Open Beta.

The Capture feature allows you to take screenshots to easily submit bug reports and other errors. When taking a screenshot of an app under development, the DeployGate app automatically obtains app and device information. This information is sent to developers to assist with debugging. Please visit the announcement page, developer guide, or tester guide for more details.

Other Changes

There are no updates to the following products.

  • iOS Client
  • Web API
  • iOS SDK
  • Fastlane
  • Gradle Plugin
