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Approve member invitation

If a user without Workspace Administrator privileges wants to invite a new member to a Workspace, they can submit a member invitation request. A Workspace Administrator can then review and approve the request.

*Details on how to request an invitation → Submit member invitation requests to Workspace Administrators for approval

This article outlines how to approve member invitation requests submitted by users without Workspace Administrator privileges.

  1. Log in to DeployGate and select the applicable Workspace to access the Workspace Admin Console. ScreenShot of Selecting Workspace

  2. Click on Members to go to the Member Management page. ScreenShot of Selecting member Management

  3. On the Member Management page, the Invitation Requests section will display a list of all pending requests. Click on the Confirm Request button. Screenshot of list of Invitation Request on Member management

  4. In the Confirm Request box, verify the invited user’s email address and optional comments before re-entering the user’s email address. Click on the Approve Request button to approve the request or the Deny button to deny the request. ScreenShot of Apprive Invitation Rqueest

  5. After you’ve approved the request, the new member will be added to the requested Organization.