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Capture Feature Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use the Capture feature on iOS?​

As of April 2024, the Capture feature is not available on iOS.

Are there any devices that cannot use the Capture feature?

The Capture feature can only be used on Android OS devices or devices running an OS based on Android OS. Additionally, some devices do not function properly when using the Capture feature.

Devices with limited functionality (As of 2024/1/22)

The following devices have limited functionality when using the Capture feature.

  • Capture fails to collect LogCat
    • Nothing Phone (1)

Please note that this list may be incomplete, and other devices may also have limited functionality. Please contact Customer Support if you encounter any difficulties.

The Capture feature fails to activate when taking a screenshot.​

The Capture feature requires the following conditions. If members are experiencing difficulties with the Capture feature, please verify that the distributed app’s settings meet the following requirements.

  • The Capture is for an Android app.
  • DeployGate Android SDK (version 4.7.1 or later) is enabled.
  • The distributed app must be installed from the DeployGate app.

I don’t know how to Save a Capture.

Once you receive a notification, you must tap “Save Capture” on the next screen. You must open this window when receiving a push notification to save a Capture.

When the saving is completed, a new notification will appear. Please select either "Copy URL" or "Share" option and proceed to share it. Also you can check saved captures and obtain permanent links from the DeployGate web application. For more information, Please visit View Saved Captures for more details.

Is the Capture feature available on apps not installed with the DeployGate app?

In that case, the Capture feature isn't available. It's only accessible for apps installed on devices via the DeployGate app.

The Capture feature is available through both distribution methods, but to create a Capture, users must belong to a Team that can access the app.

(For Developers and Administrators) On the App Details Page, go to “Teams with Access to the App” and click on the applicable Team. Verify that the members can access the distributed app.

(For Developers and Administrators) Please verify whether the members can access the distributed app by referring to Enable members to access the distributed app

The app doesn’t show the “Capture feature available” message in the DeployGate app.

Capture availablbility check

Please confirm the following.

I accidentally skipped the dialog guide about the capture feature that appeared when installing the app.

Tap the vertical ellipsis (three dots) to open a menu and click on “Settings.” On the next screen, tap on “Capture” and follow the on-screen instructions to adjust the permission settings.

Activation from setting

Some users cannot use the Capture feature.

If only some users cannot use the Capture feature, the following may apply.

  • Can the user access the app? → Visit Distribute to Team Members for more information.
  • Is the user utilizing the DeployGate app and logged in with an account that has access privileges to the app?
  • Is the application that the user is attempting to capture installed via the DeployGate app, and is the "Capture Feature available" displayed?
  • Did the user skip steps to configure permissions when downloading the application? -> Visit I forfot to congigure permission when I downloaded the app